Our Mission
Promote, demonstrate and encourage agroforestry best practice by coordinating and organising educational and training activity focused on advisors, consultants, officials/inspectors and farmers/landowners.
Encourage innovative on-farm trials, transfer knowledge derived from existing trials and highlight potential areas for future research.
Act as a coordinated voice for those practicing and promoting agroforestry.
To collate ideas and feedback and to advise and make submissions to the appropriate policy makers on the potential issues surrounding agroforestry support and measures, so to encourage the expansion of agroforestry and enhance its delivery of services.
Develop proposals to introduce trees onto farms towards supporting the goal of sustainable and resilient land use, while delivering a wide range of ecosystem services and public goods on the island of Ireland.
“Agroforestry is a collective name for land use practices where trees are combined with crops and/or animals on the same unit of land and where there are significant ecological or economic interactions between the tree and the agricultural components”
“We promote the potential, and benefits of, agroforestry as a multifunctional land use option that integrates trees into agricultural and horticultural systems at a range of levels and spatial orientations, to sustainably produce nutritious, wholesome food and quality timber while delivering a wide range of ecosystem services”

Silvopasture Sheep and Ash Trees, AFBI, Loughgall

Silvopasture, silage production

Silvopasture poultry

Silvopasture, sheep and ash, AFBI, Loughgall

Silvoarable, AFBI, Loughgall