What is Agroforestry? 

Agroforestry is a collective name for land-use practices where trees are combined with crops and/or animals on the same unit of land and where there are significant ecological or economic interactions between the tree and the agricultural components.

Jim McAdam and Ian Gibson tell the story of why Ian decided to plant some agroforestry on his farm in Broughshane, Co.Antrim. They discuss tree choice, the system design and how the agroforestry functions as part of the grazing system on the hill farm.

Benefits of agroforestry

  • Farming and forestry working together in the same field, providing additional sources of sustainable on-farm revenue

  • growing high-quality timber managed to integrate with livestock production and grass growth

  • promoting animal welfare and contributing to better livestock productivity

  • enhancing grass growth, biodiversity and water quality with improved shelter, soil health and nutrient capture

  • enhancing the capacity for on-farm carbon sequestration

  • availing of attractive establishment grants and annual premiums in addition to the BISS and Organic payments on eligible land. 

    You can learn more about the benefits of integrating trees on livestock farms here

The Signpost Series Webinar - Agroforestry, Multiple Benefits for Irish Agriculture

Watch Forum Directors Prof/Dr Jim McAdam, Dr Ian Short and Department of Agriculture Inspector Eugene Curran as they outline and discuss the positive benefits that agroforestry can provide for your livestock, crops and farm environment.


The role of trees on farms

This Soil Association video tells us how combining trees with crops or livestock is more productive, better for wildlife and healthier for the planet.


Soil Association / Agroforestry: Non-harvest income sources

Soil Association Discussion here on the benefits of trees in supporting and improving your animals’ welfare - shelter, forage, medicine - and how this can positively impact on your farm’s resilience and profitability.