
Silvopasture is a form of agroforestry that combines grazing livestock with the farming of crops and trees – where trees are grown in a grazed pasture in a regular or varied pattern. Cattle, Sheep, Pigs and Poultry can be farmed alongside trees in a sustainable ecosystem in this way.

Silvopasture has been found to:-

- extend grazing season .......higher grass utilisation : resilience to grazing during extreme rainfall & drought : reduced ammonia emissions

- increase biodiversity

- carbon sequestration

- reduce water runoff

- provide renewable fuel

- ‘mine’ Phosphorous from a greater volume of soil.


Innovation by the Devon Silvopasture Network

Grass and Forage Manager (a British Grassland Society publication), Issue 155, Winter 2023.

 You can find out more about silvopasture options for your farm at the below pages